U or me

Life moves fast
Years pile up
2009 between '14 and' 08
A bit of '06 somewhere in there
Although I remember nothing 

Except for what has pained me
But I forget almost time, in its entirety 
The inconsequential hours & months
Mail exchanges with strangers 
Calls lasting into nights, breathless cycle rides
Pictures, guileless selfies, minute long videos 

A mammoth of life is locked in those
And they're casually & effortlessly erased
Perhaps because we're not meant 
To hold on to every tiny thing
Else how would we wallow in everyday misery 

Now if I recollect hard
I can contain my entire thirty odd years
In a few hours
That's how shrink worthy I am

Also how much I remember of me
Is exactly as much as I remember of you
Funny as it may seem, it be true
And our chords run so deep
Honeybunch Sugarplum
My bespectacled darling 

When I scram through my memories 
I cannot know
Which-one is you
And which-one is me

1 comment:

PS said...

It's amazing, almost curious, these sudden pangs of nostalgia that we have.