A Full Heart

Time's running slow
Day is unwinding languid
My pupils dilate 
As I look up at a fuzzy sun
Like I am in love
But I am not

I go on numerous aimless walks
Not that I rank them
But each more aimless 
Than its precedent
I lose count
Pause and forget to return

I witness roads passing by
Trees standing still for decades,
In the lull of the forest
Each bough, murmuring a story of its own 

Morning fresh dew on blades of grass
So fresh, you'd wanna eat them
And tiny little yellow flowers 
With petals, needle-like, like God put 'em there 
Bees buzzing all day long

Quiet siestas
On rainy verandahs 
Cozy under shawls that feel a bit too small, always 
My afternoon sprawls along
I wait for dusk, but not rush

Then the dust settles and 
We go into the night 
Look at clouds on cresent moon skies
Inhale the breeze that convalesces 
And exhale lifelong asphyxia 

Here's the time you never had
You have it now
There be no buses to miss
No voids to fill, noone to catch up with
Everything that is, is here, now 
My mind's at rest
And my heart is full


My feet give me away
I desire dainty little feet
With quaint little toenails
Polished in some pastel hue 
Cut, filed & polished

Er, what I have
Is the exact antithesis 
Dusty dark skin
Unforgiving blue green veins
And rough cracked heels
Too big, furthest from delicate

My feet take me from A to B
That I owe them
And also the fact that 
My feet let me perambulate 
Without agenda
Which is undoubtedly the most precious 

However though
Nothing contains the fact that
They're not how they're supposed to be
Subtle, fair, creamy and pastel
Not that I don't moisturise
Or use foot cream of random kinds

But nothing seems to work it
My feet give me away
They are exactly like my insides
Torn up, exhausted, out of place.
Ugly, dried up and unhealable 
No matter how much I hide,
They show.


It was the nimble winter of early November. The morning air was heavy with fog. She had draped a dupatta over shoulders for the cold and was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt - quietly sipping her tea when a kid from corridor waved at her. It was a Saturday but to the dismay of late risers, breakfast at the canteen ran out sooner than weekdays. She had been fortunate enough to have had two servings of pav bhaji and was in no mood of relinquishing her cup unfinished. But the waving continued. She left her seat at the table and walked out with the cup still in her hands. It seemed she had a visitor. 

She didn't think she was supposed to have any. Surprised, she followed the kid - the security guard's son - into the reception. The guard smiled and wished her good morning. She smiled back, confused. The guard pointed at the road in front of the hostel, pointing far away. She couldn't make out a thing - until she saw a silhouette. She walked out half curious, half knowing who he was. She was gasping heavily inside and was staunchly able to hide all emotion, on the outside. 

For a second, she felt she couldn't breathe, and her temples were hot. Then her eyes were moist, and she was also angry - it had taken him so long. For a moment, in there, she was scared, so utterly petrified of him - and of herself. So many possibilities open up when they stand next to each other - and the choice they make decides everything. The minute following this one would be so freakishly consequential for her that she thought she would faint and create a scene. But she was together - all her limbs intact, hair hurriedly tied into a ponytail, spectacles tucked into her t-shirt, feet taking long steps, fingers holding onto the cup which was filled to the brim with tea - which was too sweet - too dilute - boiled for far less a duration than she liked - but this was all she got. She was regretting that tea and walking - wondering why he stood so far. Was he moving further away? Wondering what his intentions were - did he take the conversation of last night a trifle more seriously than she meant it at? Slowly the fog parted, and her face eased into a smile. 

He was chuckling like she had cracked a hilarious joke, and he was no longer able to keep it within. He raised his eyebrows and asked 

'What's up?' 

'You tell me.' She asked him, right back. 

Third Person

My dear
Feet don't stop cracking
Skin, is begging for some love

Don't overthink
Think not, rather
Just keep going on
Pause not

Control thy frizz
Braid and unbraid your hair
Don't hide in corners and cry
Not in bathroom breaks, ah no

You're more than your failures
Beyond your muzzled ambition
Breathe, deeply 
And then shallow

Take long baths,
Scrub some more
Nap, as much.
Don't bother. Nobody cares as much. 

Nothing comes of anything, anyway.
Nothing gets. 
Write about losing
Just so you can erase and move on.

Be a third person
Stand, unfazed, outside your body.
You're as dead as you're alive
Disconnect on volition

Observe and appreciate
Whatever little you got
It's not as little, perhaps
You wouldn't be able swallow more.

Plateful of meals
Washed clothes, listless midnight breeze
Fairy lights, potted plants
Skin on skin; mouth on mouth

Ain't too shabby for Rachel 


It's only Tuesday
And my feet hurt
It's only Tuesday
And I don't wanna wake up

But I am keeping up 
With the world,
Because I've to keep going 
I'm keeping the world up, rather 

Everyday's in a loop
Countless weeks,
Back to back
In an anxious delusion

Nauseous afternoon traffic
The same billboards, staring down
Lunches and dinners cooked 
And kept away

Nothing is ever new
Honestly, new scares me now
And I don't even remember the old
Stuck in this static repetition 

To pause, 
Is to allow existential bs to take over
So, I'd rather not
But one random Thursday evening

Perhaps at 7:36 pm, say
In a quiet moment in the balcony
Wondering whether to water the plants, or not 
I pause, unconsciously - 

The loop is broken 
And the whole world comes crashing down. 

Saturday Sorrow

Keep your tote bags in
No brunches for you.
And no long stem, purple carnations either
No resting wine glasses or dangling forks
Or longish conversations, either

You're perhaps, not worth it, after all.

Run errands, you!
Doctor appointments, medicine store hauls
Pending gynaec visits, the psychiatrist awaits
Kitchen's all a leak, call the plumber will you
Door's come off it's hinges, so have you

The house is falling onto us, what-do-we-do

More errands, some.
What about some deep cleans
While doing which, time's a plenty
To regret, while you clean
Thing's you've done and thing's you've not done

No Saturdays for you,
Only the sorrow.
No movies, no writing
Keep your creative corner 
In your 100% imaginary artisanal balcony
Shun the jute rug, which you never bought

Decay. Slowly though
Without mercy 
Lose yourself, irretrievably 
Feel your temples heat with temper
What-do-we-do what-do-we-do 

Slow Day

Slow day, braid and unbraid your hair.
Watch yourself age in the mirror, see them lines, under eyes.
Cook slow meals, de-shelled prawns in coconut milk
Eat in quiet corners, looking at Christmas lights on a stranger's balcony.
Imagine her life, breathe in. Breathe out, be you again.
Rummage through old clothes, unworn for years, yearn for smells of past years. Past lives.
Encourage clutter. Never get rid of stuff, ever.
No agenda, no to-do crap list.
Let thoughts simmer.
Tip toe around in lil-nothings. Let dreams be.
Don't try, do not try. Just be. 
Watch the fuzzy sun, in the cloudy sky.
Take long naps, dream only then.
Wake up into the evening, cheeks a bit swollen.
Is it still today?
Then you isolate again and write a poem.