A Full Heart

Time's running slow
Day is unwinding languid
My pupils dilate 
As I look up at a fuzzy sun
Like I am in love
But I am not

I go on numerous aimless walks
Not that I rank them
But each more aimless 
Than its precedent
I lose count
Pause and forget to return

I witness roads passing by
Trees standing still for decades,
In the lull of the forest
Each bough, murmuring a story of its own 

Morning fresh dew on blades of grass
So fresh, you'd wanna eat them
And tiny little yellow flowers 
With petals, needle-like, like God put 'em there 
Bees buzzing all day long

Quiet siestas
On rainy verandahs 
Cozy under shawls that feel a bit too small, always 
My afternoon sprawls along
I wait for dusk, but not rush

Then the dust settles and 
We go into the night 
Look at clouds on cresent moon skies
Inhale the breeze that convalesces 
And exhale lifelong asphyxia 

Here's the time you never had
You have it now
There be no buses to miss
No voids to fill, noone to catch up with
Everything that is, is here, now 
My mind's at rest
And my heart is full