Today we went to a slum. Two guys and two girls. Who would exactly love being woken from a late Saturday siesta…for whatever the reason is…?
Anyways, we cycled down to that place at around 5:30 in the evening, half an hour behind schedule. Actually we out sped the guys and landed in the wrong place, but nevermind, they called us back…
This was the first time I was at that place. We talked to a shopkeeper, who we thought could actually spread the word that we people would be obliged to come down to their place from the next weekend on. We would teach them i.e. we would provide kinda extra tuitions to them besides their school course, and help them out with their home tasks and stuff.
The best part was the response we got from the eager parents there. All of them want their kids to go real far in life, reach out for the stars. There were mothers who demanded some serious attention and called the two of us girls aside. They wanted their kids to be taught computers and all. Well that was costly proposition, we said we would definitely give that a thought…
What are you guys waiting for?
Wish us luck…
We are gonna pick up some social issues as well after we get to mingle with the junta a little better…
What else?
Suggest issues you think we can pick up in this project…
And I am gonna keep blogging about this so that you know, we guys can stay in touch :P