One single man and his scattered life. An empty fridge, not a stacked one like in real homes. His bottle of sugar, infested with ants. The top of his TV, filled with old unused keys, with no locks to them anywhere, random receipts to stuff he had bought months ago and everything layered with dust. There's cobwebs in the corners. And a bed that hasn't been done for weeks. There's power cords everywhere on the floor. Almost like the quagmire of life. Plugged into extension cords and then into points in the wall you can't trace. Newspapers. Oh newspapers. They would make new walls in this house if piled, newspapers and books gotten and forgotten in furore. Decade old sheets of the Economic Times flung about. He has been living this way for long. One static unchanging undemanding stretch of time that seems to stretch forever. No one has been here, or in his heart. Except that almost over tube of facial scrub abandoned in the bathroom, left behind by a certain someone. An old girlfriend, a fuckbuddy, the ex wife or a one night stander. Whoever that was, her toothbrush stood in a corner, right beside his, watching over the rest of the house like a hawk.
Pray, would you describe the man through his face and features too?
Blasphemous Aesthete
"One static unchanging undemanding stretch of time that seems to stretch forever."
Very comforting and yet unsettling at the same time.
@ Blasphemous Aesthete
As far as face & features go, blatantly. All men are the same.
Why is it so hard to remember any of them then?
It's unimportant. To me, faces don't matter. Also, I ain't any good at observing/describing them, so :-)
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