But, who'll take care of the Baby

Your shirt always creased 
In that mild way
That only with someone
With eyes for you
Could only see

I remember, those road side stalls
Where we stood and slurped
With greasy egg chicken noodles
You, applauded me

We walked into the 5 am forest
A flower stuck in my hair
Your sweet-man-gait
Broad chinned smile
When my ovaries leaped

Today, I compare
Myself with a dozen others
And look for scraps of 
You're a rich badass, though

I don't wait for you to salvage me
Man, you stuck in my memories
In numerous parallel pasts
That didn't even happen, ouch
I write

I write to create that past
Alternate threadbare truths, 
You know.
Even-though no one reads
Relentless, I never cease
At constructing what could've been 

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