Fetch me

Come back to me, for tonight
I am right there,
Where you left me
In 2013

Outside the movie theater
Before the matinee show
In soft rain
Drenched in October

I've tried, to move on
Trust me when I say I have
And I've failed, unflinchingly
You're still the one of my dreams

Irreversibly damaged
Broken and exhausted
I'm furious at myself
For letting you leave me

Can't you come back
And fetch me
Unfuck up my life
Loosen the knots

Breathe air into my mouth
Tell me it's okay
To fail & be miserable
To be angry & unhappy

I want to be told this
I want to be gathered
In your arms
And watch that movie, we never did


Bone said...

Oh, just wow. This spoke right to my heart.

PS said...

I wish you'd write more of these poems!