
I just spilled some,
red wine on my 
lemon-green sheets
this blot is here-to-stay

But thank god,
wine is lighter than blood
and smoke is lighter than air
how effortlessly, air gobbles up smoke

Ever wish, we had that kind of invincibility
like air
wherein, everything disappears into us
just like smoke into thin air

Because, in spite of all that I abandon,
there's such baggage I carry
with my shoulders slunk
I could collapse and never rise again

But, thank  god, to my respite,
I've the stars
as a child whom I stared up at 
and forgot everything, 

Because how tiny I am, and inconsequential
how much can i matter
i'll live my share of agony and pass
but stars don't age, do they

How much can it matter, after all
my stories, my loves,
my sorrows, my money
It all crumbles before universe's intransigence

Lookin' at spilled wine
that's my excuse tonight 
my exact excuse
to wait until tomorrow

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