'How art thou?'
'Trying to be happy!'
'I said trying to be happy...'
'What's that? You're either happy, or you aren't. How can you try to be...happy?'
Hadn't cared much about this statement then. That was way back.
But now,
Yes, one can try to be happy. I am trying to be happy. Precisely because there is no
reason to be...not happy, unhappy, sad.
I have been swaying over whether to write this or not. But let me reveal this once..at least some of it.
Have you heard of withdrawal symptoms? -awkay...U have-
There was a time, when there were many things i wanted to have, at one go. And I
had none of them. I just had hints that i would get them some day.
-is this going very abstract?- -do u get me?-
i chased things...i shed my old aspirations for new ones. i was lost in a hazy maze...
People got to know that i am not as dumb as i look. People got to know that i write.
So many asked me to show my skills by writing them gtalk..messenger status
Some stooped even lower..asked me write for them..love letters...-okay..this one
was absolutely preposterous-
Many asked me just blurt into a mike...i would stutter and smile but oblige...
Some supposed i am insane- am i not?-
I am loner...so very away from the world i am in...i don't know what's happening right under my nose...
And some days ago, the stress just got too much, i crumbled under the pressure...i
had a complete system breakdown. i would call up my only acquaintance, and cry.
Life started gettin bad to worse. I felt I had nothing. And would have nothing for the rest of my life.
I started having those withdrawal systems.
I-shall- sit-back-and-watch
Things went on for some more time. And then one day, i cried just too much. I
caught up with the courage not to care, not to think so much. And surprisingly i liked being that way. And there was this mysterious consolation that
And i decided that i would try to be happy. Little by little, I piled up my efforts. I smiled at people...earlier I din't even look at. I tried to befriend them. I tried to break away from the cocoon I had caged myself in.
I looked down the rusty memory lane. I felt happy. I felt sad. I felt happy-sad. Felt satiated with my hyphenated existence. There are no discrete answers to the
questions of life. Things are a lil fuzzy out here...
There is nothing like...if you're not happy, all you can be is sad...
You can always be trying to be happy...trying to chase the illusion, that happyness
-does this post lack focus?-