
Like in peak summer
The soul has evaporated
Walls have shrunk
My mind has imploded
Anxiety isn't cake
Every day, every hour
Unknown fears obsess 
There must be 
One cheap shrink for me
Will take a cab every Saturday
Or biweekly
Just talk you know
Cry, hug, roar, may be
Sit on a chair
Stare, be heard
And for one fleeting moment
Be unraveled

House plants still flower
Husband still cooks
My son, cries, smiles, 
And doesn't eat enough
Drink enough
I sweep, wash clothes
And work too
Phones ring off the hook
Mails are typed and sent
At super fast speed
Sans typos
There's no time
None at all

But even in those free nano seconds
I get daily to barely sit
Somehow I manage
To devastate myself
With worry
With regret
With anger seething
And unbearable disappointment
You know what I am talking about?
Every day, I weigh
Not-existing over just-existing
I shouldn't have to
It probably ain't that bad
But I just cannot
Seem to manage my mind

1 comment:

Bone said...

It's ok not to always be able to manage your head. I loved the words but I'm sorry you carry the weight of them.
Hope it gets easier.