
Chhaya. You're not beautiful. You have one of those thousand faces, that one could easily miss. Very predictable. Very rejectable. You ain't fair. And your dusky doesn't sell either. It's a bad dusky. Almost tending to dark. Tanned. Like grilled in the sun. Your lips are too thin. Very unkissable. They're not even rosy, they're a darker shade of brown. Brown lips. Your nose isn't like that of a princess. Not as pointed. And look, you don't have a nose ring either, that could have added some quotient. You don't. The eyes, they don't have lashes long enough. Not dreamy enough, no. Big eyes, don't make up for all your other lacunae. Big eyes are not worth a dime. Your hair doesn't stand up for your face either. It's not straight, like ironed. It's not curly, like curly is supposed to be. It's a mad wavy. Nobody would fuck that. Take my word. The chin, even the very end of your face is a ridiculous bony protrusion. It makes you look older. Way older. Yours is a lost battle. Your cheeks are sunken. And despite your sunken cheeks, you have a double chin. Have you asked yourself why. Because, you're ugly. 

There is no thing called inner beauty. It is one of the most pseudointellectual illusions ever created, to satisfy man, to euphemize your ugliness. Don't listen to them, Chhaya. Listen to me. I am the truth. 

And beauty is an opiate older than life itself. It's a myth because nobody knows what it is, truly is. Beauty is a bias, not even the creator could overcome, Chhaya. So I have created thee. To always remind me that your exact antithesis is what appeases.


$uch! said...

huh!!!! chhaya... :)

$uch! said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Raj said...

chhaya, you aint that pretty. but here is the deal. smile. cuz the moment u do, u take some1s breath away. and right then. in that one instant u r nothing but beautiful.

Surya Prakash V said...
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Surya Prakash V said...
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Surya Prakash V said...


Tazeen said...

I have to agree with Raj.

WomanInLove said...

In-spite of all this, I am sure Chhaya knows she is beautiful

You acknowledge your ugliness only when you are assured of your beauty :)

The Sage said...


Hopelessly Flawed said...

You are intimidated, almost afraid of what you have seen..Chhaya is beyond beauty, beyond every concept of inner or outer beauty...and what even scares you more is that She might know it.

You elaborate on her flaws convincing yourself rather than her coz you fear that if she knew how you felt about her, she could possess you forever.

wildflower said...

Why blogger had to delete your comments, I don't know. Just that, I miss them. Remember, you said, 'beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder'. There is no beholder sweetheart, it's Chhaya staring at Chhaya in the mirror..

No, she would rather frown. She doesn't believe in smiling without a reason you know!

You had to delete those previous comments? I had read those already, was on even on the brink of understanding.. but thanks for keeping it simple :)

Oh, here comes the say-cheese gang! :D

wildflower said...

That is so true. Beauty is such a touchy issue. Sometimes it's defined by its very lack. I really don't know what to say..

:) Thanks!!

hopelessly flawed
She held me tight in her control, from the beginning of existence. It has taken a lot of coaxing to prejudice to free myself from Chhaya, who is nothing but the belief that just about anything is beautiful, and nothing can be ugly.

Surya Prakash V said...

Wi - I have a notion that you know your shit; I respect that.

But those comments were good werent they ;)

Thanks for understanding :)

Vasumathi Sridharan said...

Just HOW do you do this?

wildflower said...

I wish I had never had the raw material to write such things..that would have been better, anyday! :)