taking to wings!

begins with a D, and hard to pronounce, that's where I worked. I will remember walking like a zombie with earphones plugged in my ears, like the songs are playing inside my head and I could only see a world that doesn't speak, at all; the fresh gust of AC from Ernst & Young, before I walked into my office, the shh-d the bays in there, that me saying hi's to outright strangers in the bus-stop, confusing them with the people I met the day before, and watching that look of total confusion form on their faces, yeah, I actually did things like that! Texting and walking, Texting and walking..not being able to make out absolutely real stones on my path, tripping over, spraining my leg, and all that! Love, ridiculously exorbitant phone bills, a broken heart, attempted nursing, all that! Walking by the sea, sitting by it for hours, with a friend who I know doesn't understand me, and nor he ever would, but still a great friend, the lack of emotional proximity, sometimes makes way for the discovery of the person inside me I thought I never was. Fantastic weekends, intoxication, exotic cuisine (?), intoxication again, yeah, a lot more, things I couldn't probably write down about here.. I had great company to choose from :).. And it was a privilege you know to get lost in a city, turn around, and see not a face you know, heaven! Late night walks, early morning walks, sitting by the lake, rain dancing, hmm..everything, everything!

rose petals and a candle, together on water

the wait..

begins with a D, and hard to pronounce ;)

a stolen moment! 

my Mumbai stint was something, wasn't it?! 


Aashayein said...

with this....surely it was!!!!

arvind said...

with this flow - a real "flow"er..

a flower is known as flower:
as it is the result of the energy "FLOW" - of the tree or bush..

Lehari. said...

times come when being with people who dont understand you feels so full of life..! is it the same with you ?

WritingsForLife said...

aww... this post brings bitter-sweet feelings. The good times turned bad i suppose, yet they are still good - the memories must be.
Why do all good things come to an end - sigh.

wildflower said...

yeah :D

May be I am so used to people not understanding me, I am just getting more used to it.. or so I suppose..

they do! :-( it hurts to say it's all over..

$uch! said...

u missed me, I was der too with u :P

wildflower said...

darl..my chocolate donut, my extra cheese pizza..i always mich u..so mush.. muah :)

ani_aset said...

:) wow so finally it is over..the stint?